Because they are in charge of maintaining the safety and security of a premises, be it a mall, office, or a home, security personnel have a massive responsibility on their shoulders. They have to be brave in the face of danger, gather courage in scenarios where people would search for an exit and show constant vigilance on the job. The job is already demanding, but many security guards go beyond their duties and demonstrate kindness of spirit and strength of character that is not only admirable but inspiring.
The Story of Mark
Mark Dill is a retired Tuscaloosa Police Officer and also served in the U.S. Air Force. For the past two years, Mark has been working as a security guard for a Tuscaloosa apartment community. In and around this apartment complex and the surrounding neighborhood, there are many young children.
Mark has decided to dedicate whatever free time he does have, towards helping these kids and making a positive difference in their lives. When Mark is not on duty making his rounds and keeping the residents of Fieldcrest safe and secure, he prefers to spend time with young adults, communicating with them and trying to be a role model that children can aspire to be like.
According to Mark, he is doing all this because whenever he watches the children growing up and getting older, and seeing their confidence soar, he feels pride in that he had a small part to play in that. He believes that the kids in and around the complex are good kids who, if given some encouragement and support, are capable of doing a lot of great things in their lives. This is why he is happy and eager to help them in whatever way he can.
Mark often plays sports with the children, arranges fun activities for kids to participate in and even cooks food for them from time to time. He makes the effort to spend time with them, in some circumstances where there is no male figure present, and teaches them even the smallest of lessons and impart any wisdom he can. He also gives them small chores to complete at the complex, teaching them the importance of discipline and helping them understand the meaning of responsibility and pride in their community.
Parents are equally happy with Mark’s efforts. They know where their kids are every day, that they are safe and not out roaming the streets. The parents are glad to know that their kids are spending time with a positive role model and investing their time and energy in activities such as sports. With the various events in the neighborhood, he is not only bringing together the children of the community, but the parents as well. In the opinion of the apartment manager Karen Patrick, Mark is a great example in front of the kids of someone they can emulate. According to her, Mark is definitely making a difference in the lives of these children and their families.
Mark’s story is just one example among many, of security guards that are making a positive difference in the lives of the people around them. We can all agree, the safety of our children is the most important thing in our lives. And although Mark works long days taking on all the responsibilities of his job as the security guard to the complex, he still makes time to be there for the children. He has impacted the lives of so many families in the neighborhood, as well as the futures of all the children he continues to look after everyday. As the saying goes, “It all starts at home”. We should take inspiration from such stories and learn to do more for the welfare of our community.