In 2009, our founder, Tucker Quayle, was looking to establish a business in Arizona. He founded Covey Security to create a company that meets a market need in the security marketplace. The Covey Security model is one where security and safety are blended to create a unique service model better suited to today’s challenges. Starting with a brief background in the business and recently moving to Arizona, Covey Security has grown to be a leading security provider in the State of Arizona and continues to expand. Annual growth in the double digits has been achieved every year that Covey Security has been in business. Let us show you how we separate ourselves from the competition.


Your Experts in Safety & Security

Covey Security was founded with principles that set us apart from our competitors. This starts from the very top of our organization and is embodied in the officers that we hire. These principles are exemplified in our unique philosophy which we strive to reflect in our work.

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The Covey Security Philosophy is: Safety First, Respect, Proactive, and Dignity. These four pillars guide management and our officers on how to conduct our business and set us apart from the competition.

Safety First

When considering “security” we focus on safety. Many of our competitors think all you want a hot body in a cold chair. We know that we are hired to promote a safe environment.

Safety is not just keeping the bad guys out, though that’s part of it, safety starts with a mind-set that the officer’s role is to make sure that the property we serve is protected in all aspects.

Covey Security officers are trained to look for safety issues, like lights that are out, water that is running or behavior that could lead to accidents. They are also trained in how to deescalate dangerous situations.


Most call it customer service; at Covey Security we call it respect. Through respect, good customer service is a natural outcome. We train and recruit officers that will respect our customers and the properties they serve.

Our officers will respect the property, respect the tenants and employees of the property and respect each other. It is through this respect that we are also able to promote a safe environment.


An inactive security officer becomes a complacent officer. We train our officers to be active and stop problems before they occur.

Today’s security officer needs to anticipate problems before they happen and have proper plans in place. We work with each site to make sure that systems and procedures are in place to allow our officers to be proactive in their duties.

The heart of a proactive environment comes from communication and not just reports, but active involvement with the officers and Covey Security management.


Our officers are our greatest assets. Without them, there is no Covey Security. In creating a safe environment that shows respect starts with our officers. We often say that a happy customer starts with a happy officer. We do this by treating our officers with dignity.

We see other companies that nickel and dime their officers and other companies that never talk to their officers except for the day that they get hired. At Covey Security each officer is a man or woman who demands our respect, and we give it to them.

Covey Security is proud to be partners with these fine organizations